Claims > Print and Deposit Claims

Print and Deposit Claims


Once claim details have been validated and completed in order handling and the order is invoiced, the claim details must be printed and transmitted to the importer or other Franchise for verification and settlement. (If your market is UCHP compliant, claims will be submitted automatically once the invoice is submitted.)

The action of selecting and printing Volvo claims actually initiates the following actions:

      Select and print warranty, contract and service claims.

      Transfer claim data to the history file.

      Deposit claims into the data bank ready for transmission.

      Produce claim registers.

      Produce drive line reports, where requested.

      Batch post claims into the warranty reconciliation ledger.

The action of selecting and printing Non Volvo claims actually initiates the following actions:

      Select and print warranty claims.

      Creates email with XML sheet.

      Produce claim registers.

      Batch post claims into the warranty reconciliation ledger.

If a file is in error, you can also use this screen to re-deposit Volvo claims or to remove the existing file and continue. However, before doing this you should check the details of the previous transmission to ensure that all the information is correct.



From the Claim View, select Actions > Select and Print. > Volvo >Non Volvo. This will display a Claim Print and Deposit window.

How to Print & Deposit Claims:

In the Claim Print and Deposit window for Volvo claims indicate whether the claim must be printed and whether it is to be transmitted interactively or by batch.

If ‘Interactive’ is selected, the claim will be transmitted immediately. If batch is selected, the claim will be transmitted during the daily batch routine.

The repair date on the claim print uses the planned date to allow for any forward planned orders.

Depending on parameter setting, alternative currencies may be transmitted to TWS/TSA, based upon exchange rates. A fixed labour amount may be also be transmitted, but again this depends on a parameter setting.

Certain TSA and TWS claims will be transmitted with a parts prefix, taken from the Volvo Price File, or from a parameter (based upon the product code).

Claim validation will use VCOM to validate certain vehicle information. However, if a delivery date does not exist in central systems then the delivery date registered in the Vehicle File (THF001) will be used within the transmission file.

 Note! Only records that are at status 6 on both THF010 order header, and TFF240 claim header are printed/transmitted.


What else would you like to do?

Claim History Enquiry.


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Complementary Business.