Time Recording > Planning > Planning - Workshop Plan Details

Planning - Workshop Plan Details

The Workshop Plan Details view will default to the current branch and date selected from the Diary screen.


Arrows  on the top right allow the user to move forward and backward a day at a time and the down arrow will return to the current day.

Scroll bars allow details to be moved left to right and up and down, all screens can also be resized.

 Icons on the right allow Zoom in and Zoom out so that a complete shift/day can be displayed in full.

 Allows the creation of Orders (Ctrl N) and Quotations

 Refresh Icon, (F5) after any new orders are created or changed.

 Show Hide unassigned work details (Alt F5 allows more Mechanic details to be displayed).

 Switch view between Mechanics and Work bays.

 Filter on both Mechanic and unassigned work (Ctrl F)

 Reserve time against a mechanic with or without creating an Order.

 Overdue Planning Details (Alt F8)

 Customer Details

 Mechanic Availability (Alt F9)

 Search (Ctrl S)

Details of work Planned per Mechanic and Work Bay:





Dark Blue

Planned time (Order)

Sky Blue

Planned time (Operation)

Slate Blue

Planned time (Off site – Breakdown)



Blue violet

Invoiced Order

Thin red line border

Over estimated plan

Thick red line border

Under estimated plan

Bold Text

Order Flow code link (with code in brackets)


Details of Actual Mechanic activity based on clocking records:




Completed clocking


Non Productive work, XCLEN etc.


current clocking


No clocking detail


Exception recorded

Fixed breaks:

Where fixed breaks are set up within shift clocking’s maintenance these will be displayed on the planning board in grey and planned work will be assigned either side of these when dragged and assigned.

 Note! If work is to be carried out during a break then the record will have to be opened and ‘continuous’ checked.

Unassigned Work:

Details are displayed for Orders, Quotations and Schedules; these are displayed in Customer/Order/vehicle sequence for ease. Columns such as Planned and Ready times display details added to the order. Operation descriptions and hours are displayed from the Order details. Hours displayed against the Order can be either the ‘Estimated’ hours or the total of the operation hours.

 Note! Order hours is reflected as:

-    When nothing is planned the sum Total of all operations or the Estimated amount where populated.

-    When any operation within the Order is planned the Order hours reflects the sum total of the remaining Operations NOT planned.

Select ‘turner’ against Schedules, Orders and Quotations to expand details.
Select ‘turner’ against each individual Schedule, Order or Quotation to expand the details and display each individual Operation.



How to Reserve Time & Create Order

Planned Details Right Mouse Button Options

About the Assign to Mechanic Option

About Drag and Drop Assignment

About the Amend Option

About the Copy Option

About the Split Order / Operation Option

About the Remove Option

About the Operations Option on a Planned Order

About the Allocate Operations at Order level

About the Order Notes Option

About the Open/View Option

About the Planning Details Option

Actual - Manual Time Recording

About Mechanic Sorting

About Hover Help

About the Mechanic Activity Filter (Crtl F)

About the Search Options (Ctrl S)

About Over Due Planning Details (Alt F8)

About Mechanic Availability (Alt F9)

About the Cash Customer Warning Message